Welcome to the official site for
 My first Phredber book is still available in print
Just £4.47 (GBP)
ISBN 978-0-9933983-0-8
Click on the cover pic above to visit the Phredber website and get your copy.

Joanna Connor, Queen of blues rock and slide guitar

The site has moved since her signing with MC Records.
Ever suffered from rubbish Wi-Fi off your router? Yes you could just upgrade to a new one but this guy
in Swansea has a range of aerials that will boost the output without breaking the bank, even if you want to
send Wi-Fi to another building!

I got a pair for my router and trust me, he's good and knows his stuff. Nice guy to deal with too and his speed
on delivery is fast.
DAVID LYON'S SITE,.. NEW ONE!! Dave's site vanished a while back when the company who did the hosting
and managed the site went bust. Took me a while to track him down and give him space on my host so he's back in the web,
including free downloads of mp3 tracks and it's gradually filling up. Attracting loads of his old fans and new ones too!
Welcome back Dave, you're a good mate.
 (Please note the domain has changed to
idontgetlonely.co.uk NOT .com!)
Why is this link on my front page? Whatever the cost of your kit,.. losing it in transit is a right bummer.
Losing it in international air travel is a nightmare. Well it would be without this! This is NOT expensive,.. and it works.
ReboundTAG can locate your guitar, amp, effects case, violin, cello, clarinette, sax, (you get the idea?) in a mountain of otherwise 'lost' luggage in seconds. No kidding!

'Peace of mind' for peanuts!!
Quote PBSONG on your order
NEW Yamaha MAGICSTOMP patch downloads and more, See TEK-STUFF - EFFECTS !!

This track is NOT on the CDs and I guess we (Katy an' me) have to apologise to the wonderful Carol King,.
Click here for The not quite right version of "You've Got A Friend"
I now have Artwork/Sculpture on display! Check it out
Kit Larsen did an amazing job on it,.. well I think so anyway. #
just a counter,..

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