This is PB's fanz page (the place you asked for in my crazy world!)
The things people say,.. and some of them are even here in 'person',..
well their photos are, even if they are miles away!
This page is dedicated to my loyal fans, which I am so blessed with,
without whose support I might have given this crazy music stuff up but,..
they just keep coming back for more!

Katie 'n' Ed,.. Canada. Listening to "Awesome Radio's" feature on the new CD
Judging by the thumbs,.. they liked it! (Apparently they were dancing!)

OPEN MIC NIGHTS! (ones I know about,..)
Also where you might find me,.. often.
South Wales.
The Star Hotel, Swansea Road (behind KWICK-SAVE) Penalt, LLANELLI.
Every Sunday from 7PM, definitely a varied bunch of styles and talents! +
South West.
The Globe Inn, Newtown, Exeter.
Monday nights, worth the effort to drag yourself out, get rid of that 'Monday feeling'!
For you to post your comments,.. (if you really can't handle email)
Important Newsflash!
"Take It or Leave It!" CD,..

It's a re-mix of the original album,.. OK? (New one in progress!) Email me for a copy!
"Tweaked" 09/06/2007
just a counter,..

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Modified by: PB