Links To Other Nutters (and some sane people!)
These links are outside this site
The links provided on this page are under my control,.. the content of the sites is NOT.
On these sites is some stuff I found interesting, or about equipment I would
consider to be of interest. Just because I sent you there doesn't mean I have tried all of it!
So don't expect me to know everything about it. If you find a really duff link,..
...let me know! If someone puts rubbish on a link, I will remove it.
This link IS in here to save time!
If your computer is running like a snail and you want to know what's slowing it
down, Parvamex have this thing called Winaudit that shows you what's in your system.
I mean ALL of it, the hardware, drivers, programs installed and running, blah, blah, blah,.. All you
do is download this file and install it, run it and look for stuff that shouldn't be there, like in
running proceses and startup items. If you can't figure out what it is, save the report as a PDF file and send
it to me by email using the link button on bottom of the pole to the left here and I'll try to sort you out with an
answer! Note, this program ONLY lists your system files, not your personal data which I'm not goinig to ask for!
Click here for Winaudit in a .zip file (Right click and 'Save'
So you want to leave already?
Ok then,.. click a pic and bugger off if you must! Just bookmark me first or you might never find me again!
...Another Krazy Lady!!!...

Apparently the lady behind this place is not entirely sane,..
she is a woman! (Ah,.. that explains everything!)
check 'em out now!!

Get a decent Web-Browser!

Add a decent mail browser while you're at it!
Doing it properly makes a whole world of difference! If the recording is poor,.. so will you be!

Get your music out there!
Dont't get suckered,... get smarter!
 Latest Email
Hoaxes - Current Internet Scams - Hoax-Slayer Newsletter Get
news on the latest email hoaxes and current Internet scams delivered
direct to your in-box. Hoax-Slayer also features computer security and
anti-spam information, PC tips and a lot more.
 BK Electronics Seriously reliable Kit!! I have used BK's stuff and it's pretty idiot proof.
 Organfax,.. Loads of organ related links here!
 Roland UK
 Yamaha UK
Even more Web-graphics,.... really cool stuff here you can see from the banner!
This guy can really play guitar,.. and he has an amazing website,..
including "lessons" where you can pick up really useful bits!

You'll find some gigs here,... ...worth going to!

WISHBONE ASH,.. this band have be quite influential on my own music. Still a great band,.. really down to earth and still rockin'!!
Gigs, all sorts,... Updating this bit,.. patience,...
[PB Pages ...WARNING... Eccentric on the loose!]
I'll keep adding things here as they get found or suggested,..
Check back soon! Cheers, Pete
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