More effects info, schematics, tweaks and such like coming up soon

My MAGICSTOMP (BASS) plus some very handy effects patches to download, manuals and even the CD you can't find!
Courtesy of YAMAHA, these downloads are FREE!.
Click on this link for--> YAMAHA_MAGICSTOMP Files
I've just splashed out on a DIGITECH VOCALIST LIVE 4 from THOMANN.DE
and got myself a really fun toy! (Saved myself a fair bit on the price too) The VL4 takes inputs from your guitar and microphone to generate vocal harmonies
that are based on the chords you play. It can also be set up to work on a set key from your vocal melody like many of
its competitors but the 'musIQ'® function does do a very tasty job. It does have Pitch Correction but if you really can't hit
a note in tune, it won't honestly get you out if the shit,.. you do have to be able to sing to use this really.
(or get somone who can)
The one thing that I notice with this pedal, and many others too actually, is that there is no way to download the
user patches you have just spent ages tweaking. This means that if you get something horribly wrong and do a 'factory reset',
you lose all your personalised settings. Well it's not the end of the world, I have put together a sheet to write down the
settings and if you have one of these VL4 pedals, you might want to have a look and feel free to save a copy for your own
Right click and it will open as a PDF file, just save it to your computer. There are 2 patch settings on each page,
I did this so that if I want different patches on one song, I can save them in adjacent banks and use the up/down
switches to toggle between them, as well as simply turn off the harmonies of course.
One thing to note about the VL4, there is absolutely sod all delay when you toggle between patches which is NOT the case
for most of the other harmonisers I've tried.
I will be playing about with patches on this quite a lot. I will share some of these here with you but in most cases,
the best way to get the most out of this incredible pedal is to get stuck in and play with the settings yourself!
If you want to try one out, I haven't seen many in the UK but there are several YouTube demos and I'm going to add one
or two myself as soon as I can get my cam to sync right!
I do have some circuits for effects pedals and will be loading them up any time now, so keep coming back!
Schematics here are free and offered on the understanding that you do know what you are doing when you
take the case apart, or when you put components together! If it blows up,.. don't blame me, I have
worked with these diagrams and actually FIXED kit. If it still don't work, you have what is known
in my place as a SNAFU! (If it's still smoking after a few seconds,.. it's FUBAR!)
You can always email me and ask for advice,.. provided you have a sense of humour and a thick skin!
I do have some complete service manuals for certain bits of kit. I also know where to get others.
A complete manual is not really downloadable here, quite simply because I have better things to do
than spend days scanning and loading them into the website! If you want one, they are NOT FREE and
will require the provision of a few "drinking vouchers" and "food stamps" to get me off my butt to mail
them to you!
Meanwhile,.. here's the page from the original layout, soon to be sucked into this one!
Tech Tips an' Tricks
Help for the wise,.. caution for the not-so-wise!

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