How much can you fit in box?

I went out and got myself one of these YAMAHA Magicstomp pedals, yes I know my main instrument is a
Takemine electroacoustic 12 string but if it can be plugged in, it can have its sound tweaked right?
The intereting thing about the one I bought is that it's not the acoustic version, nor the guitar one,..
oh no, I wanted to make the most of the rich bass in the 12-sting. Plus of course I do have that Aria Pro2
Laser Custom so it was the Bass Magicstomp I opted for. It's possibly one of the better impulse buys I've
done as it does have an amazing range of bass settings, all of them incredibly variable with the aid of the
computer patch and associated editor that comes up on the screen. I found that it's better to play with it in
the computer editor than mess about with the settings in the thing itself. Now here's the really fun bit! Not only did
I get all the bass settings, YAMAHA also had all the other patches for guitar and acoustic plus custom settings
and delay for use with the PA desk too, on their site!
I say had because since they stopped selling this handy pedal, not all of these patches are up there.
Well in my passion for trying any and every possible tweak this box of tricks has to offer,
I had downloaded everything, so when I suggested to YAMAHA that I could put them on my site, they were happy
to let me. Now, if you have one of these or you have spotted one second-hand but want to load the other sounds,
here's a set of interesting patches you can download for free and play with to your heart's content!
# Right click and 'Save,...'
And in case you need the manuals on how to get it working right, (RTFM being my motto!) Manuals and guides below,.. (opens in new window or tab)
The other thing you might well appreciate is the software! Often secondhand pedals don't come with it, or it's so badly
scratched, it won't install,.. yes the number of times I've bought something 'complete with installation CD' and spent the
next damn week hunting for drivers etc., to find the one bit I need just isn't there! Forums are full of such requests!
So here it is, a copy of the CD in .iso format. Just right click and save the file, then burn it to a CD
(or two just to be on the safe side?) It does contain everything you need for the Magicstomp, drivers, manual, effect list,..
and even a copy of Adobe Reader if you need it to read the wordy bits and haven't got it already.
Right click and save this file,..
... then burn it to a CD, install it and you're in business.
[[I use Ashampoo-Burning-Studio-6
1. cos it's free, 2. cos it doesn't seem to mess up nearly as many burns as Nero!
If you are into making demo CDs or just archiving your own tracks, this is probably the best
one to get in your computer to do the job reliably. I've done literally hundreds with it.]]
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